Mon 27 Jan
[★] SoOo ADoRABLE! [★] ReADy To PaRTy !! [★] 1Oo% ME! [★] - 20
♥ My Treasure is your Pleasure !♥ I'm here to Serve your Needs!Red Headed Beauty ♥ - 30
(Pittsburgh, Robinson/ IN CALL)
Mon 13 Jan
💫💋CoMe PlAy WiTh Me On ThIs NiCe DaY🌞💕 Let me take u 2 a different 🌎 of sensation🍄💋 - 22
(Butler, Pittsburgh)
Sun 12 Jan
1000 % ReaL GiRL 1000 % Sexy PiCS 100 % iNDePeNDeNT - 21
((* Summertime Specials*女)
... WhY Do I NeeD To SaY MoRe [ Th!CK HiPs & BLoNde Hair] PoRceLaiN SkiN - 20
$$$$ Thursdays are great with me! 80$ specials $$$$ - 32
(Pittsburgh, north 28 exit 16 millerstown.sarver)
Aug 6th Last day Here , Come Lick My Kitty Cat Its Smooth Soaked Juicy Taste.Goood Big Long Nipples - 28
(Close To Down Town Pgh North, Pittsburgh)
NEW ★ Sweet Japanese Sweetheart★ NEW ★ Call Me!! - 23 - 24
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh / Cranberry Township)
★★★ 125 half hour special don't miss out!!! ★★★pictures 100% me. no drama,just fun!! - 27
(Pittsburgh, available 7 days a week¤ Verona/oakmont)
Sat 11 Jan
THE ONE and ONLY SEXY SEDUCTION of JULIA**** 100 special tonight only BESt in TOWN - 26
(Pittsburgh, Incall Cranberry)
** I want to give you a night you won't forget** 412-218-9746 - 25
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh/beechview)
Beautiful has a new face 💋And it looks like mine 💋Beautiful Belizean Mix Here to Cater to You 💋 - 22
(Philadelphia, springfield-airport area)
70$ incall special near mckeesport.. AvaiLable NoW ...SWEET Sexy Blonde - 27
(Pittsburgh, outcall/incall)
100% Me 100HH Please Read Ad ((Stunning Petite New Beauty)) Available Now! - 24
(CRAFTON, Pittsburgh)
*~xoxoExotic all natural 38 D Italian princess avail 24/7 4123273353 - 23
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh/crafton/airport)
looking for a post game session or how about a steelers victory romp lets start this season off righ - 24
Fri 10 Jan
THIS gorgeous Redhead from ST.LOUIS is ready to PLEASURE and PLEASE - 29
(Pittsburgh, CRAFTON hwy 1-79 ext 60a)
Austin & Blu 1 girl for $100 or 2 girls $150 - 25
(Philadelphia, Philly Airport 150 in call special)
((New GiRL)) (¯`'.¸° WOW=|| A MUST SEE ||= CLICK HERE °° .¸°¯`) ((bEsT g*F*e)) - 22
👉Gεn†ℓεmαη's #❶ Cho¡cε💯I''M BACK🙌💃❤ ØN€☝️◆DØS€ & YØU'LL◆B€◆HØØK€D - 23
(Monroeville (incalls & outcalls), Pittsburgh)
[[ *D A N G E R O U S L Y *]]__[[* S M O K I N H O T B O D Y *]] __ [[* R E A D Y T O P L A Y *]] - 20
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA and surrounding area.)
*** Outcall Only ******* Asian Macy &&&&& 267-367-9147 Silm Girl **/// - 22
(OUTCALL ONLY, Philadelphia)
Thu 09 Jan
SPECIALS tonight only. COME c y IM MERMAID you how i do!!!!MWAH :)) - 22
Looking for company? Jacuzzi session with hot girls to help you relax. - 18
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton)
*Oh No Santa's Naughtie** little Treat is Back** last day here specials - 36
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh greentree area)
Wed 08 Jan
▬௸ ❤New To Town❤️௸▬❥ 💯▬௸ 💕★ ho††¡ε R E ₳ L 💋 uℓtiℳαtε ρℓαγmαtε 💋 ➓☆ ╚» SexY E✖ΘTiC ❥ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ💕💫👑 - 22
New in Town...Sexy an Talented...Blonde Milf... INCALL 100hh 150hr - - 38
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton off I 70)
back in town california's sexiest snowbunny on b.p. !! - 19
(Pittsburgh, pittsburg incall & outcall)
Highly reviewed hot busty blonde visiting 10/15-10/28! Check out my DD's! Specials! - 26
BusTy ☆* FiVe St★R * BruNEttE BaRbiE * SeXxiE HoTT * DOll facEd CuTiE ☆ AvAiLabLe NoW SpeCiaLs - 24
(Pittsburgh, swissvale incall and outcall)
Tue 07 Jan